BPharm (Hons). PhD (London). CChem.
Hon PhD (Athens) .Hon DSc (Strathclyde). Hon DSc (Nottingham). Hon DSc (Bath). Hon DSc

Prof Jones has a distinguished career in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry and academia.
As main Board Director for Research & Development at The Wellcome Foundation Ltd (Wellcome plc) he was responsible for the successful development of a number of significant new products; notably
- Zovirax (anti-herpes)
- Lamictal (anti-epileptic)
- Retrovir:AZT (anti-HIVAIDS)
- Acrivastine (anti-histamine)
- Atovaquone (PCP/Malaria)
- Exosurf (infant respiratory distress)
- Mivacron and Nuromax (neuromuscular blockade)
- Wellferon (Hepatitis B&C)
- Zolmitriptan (anti migraine)
plus an extensive range of OTC formulations; particularly products for cough and cold, analgesia and skin care.
He was responsible for over 2,500 staff covering all scientific, technical and medical specialities as well as Quality Assurance and Patents/Agreements.
As a member of the Board of Wellcome plc, Prof Jones was intimately involved in the offering of shares by The Wellcome Trust. He was responsible for the disposal of Wellcome’s interests in Vaccines to Medeva (Evans) and the subsequent re-integration of all aspects of Biotechnology into the mainstream business. This included a term as the Director responsible for the Biotech joint-venture Wellgen in the USA and involved the buy-out of the partner (Genetics Institute) share. Prof Jones led initiatives concerned with licensing-in of new product opportunities. Examples are Centocor (Panorex), Fujisawa USA (LNMMA), Pierre Fabre (Navelbine).Prior to his appointment to the Board of Wellcome plc, Prof Jones was Director of Development and established a new Pesticides R&D operation which was included in the sale of the Wellcome hygiene business to Rhône-Poulenc.
For 10 years until August 2004 Prof Jones was Director General of the ABPI where he directed all the activities related to UK pharmaceutical industry :government relations on behalf of the 100 national and international pharmaceutical companies. In that capacity ,he was a member of the UK Government : Pharmaceutical Industry Ministerial Strategy Working Group on Pharmaceuticals, on the Board of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industry Associations (EFPIA) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA). He was a member of the Scientific Board of the EU Life Sciences Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) is currently an Advisor to The Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (APS) and a Senator for The European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences (EUFEPS) and a member of the board of The UK Stem Cell Foundation.
For 12 years Prof Jones was a member of the UK Government Regulatory Agency- The Medicines Commission; an advisor to the Cabinet Office on the Human Genome project 2001;a member of the Prime Minister’s Task force on the Competitiveness of the Pharmaceutical Industry (PICTF) and Chair of the Government Advisory Group on Genetics Research.
Prior to his time at Wellcome, Prof Jones was Head of Development at The Boots Co Ltd. During that time he was responsible for the technical development of several new products, notably Prothiaden (antidepressant) and Froben (anti-inflammatory), a range of generic products and the technology transfer of Brufen (anti-inflammatory ibuprofen) to many overseas units, notably Upjohn, USA.
Until the merger with Actavis in March 2015 he was a Director of Allergan Inc. at Irvine CA (USA,) He is currently Chairman the Drug Discovery Company, e-Therapeutics plc, a Director of Ascension Healthcare plc. a London based biotech focussed on Haemophilia, a member of the Board of TechImmune LLC a spin-out from University of California ,Irvine, developing a pan coronavirus vaccine, Board member of NW Pharmatech ltd and the Digital Diagnostics Company EDX Medical Group plc.
He has served on a number of other Boards as Director. UK: NextPharma ltd (contract manufacture), ReNeuron plc (Stem cell therapy), Synexus Ltd ,Simbec Orion Ltd (International Clinical Research Organisations), VeronaPharma plc …a spin-out company developing drugs for respiratory diseases, Merlin Bioscience, Arthurian Life Science, Arix Bioscience plc (Life Science Investment), Respiratory Innovation Wales Ltd Netherlands: Chairman of BAC BV (bioaffinity company), ITALY: Sigma-Tau Finanziaria S.pA.(Pharmaceuticals), Tecnogen S.p.A, USA SciClone Inc. (Biotech) and President of Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals Inc., USA, (Rare Diseases).
He was Chairman of the European Union Medicinal Cannabis Association (EUMCA) 2019-2022
For eight years until 2022 Prof Jones advised the Wales Government on Health Matters as a member of the Bevan Commission on Public Health.
Until 2008 he was Vice Chair of King’s College London Council .He is a visiting professor at King’s College ,London and has held visiting Chairs at Strathclyde University and the University of North Carolina. He holds honorary degrees / Fellowships/ Gold medals from 7 universities, was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and the British Pharmacological Society, elected to the French Academie Nationale de Pharmacie ; in 2016 was elected as a Fellow of The Academy of Medical Sciences and in 2018 as a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, He is a member of the vice Chancellor’s Advisory Board of The University of Surrey and, formerly, the Advisory Board of Swansea University School of Management.
He has published more than 150 papers in learned and professional journals and is on the editorial board of a number of journals.
He is a frequent guest lecturer at international pharmaceutical conferences and seminars and has appeared regularly on radio and TV on pharmaceutical and medical issues.
During the period 2003-2005 Prof Jones was a Commissioner at the World Health Organisation (WHO) on the Commission for Intellectual Property, Innovation and Public Health (CIPIH).
Prof Jones has advised the Government of the Netherlands on Life Science as a member of the TiPharma Advisory Board and was a member of the EU Commission IMI Scientific Advisory Board and the British Singapore Trade Council (SBBC).
In 2005 he was the winner of the SCRIP Life Time Achievement award for his contribution to pharmaceutical sciences and the industry.
In 2003 Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II conferred on him the honour of Commander of the Most Noble Order of The British Empire (CBE).
1987 Fellowship. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.
1988 Harrison Memorial Medal. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Gt Britain
1992 Gold Medal. Comenius University.
1993 Hon. PhD. University of Athens.
1994 Hon. DSc. University of Strathclyde.
1994 Fellowship. King’s College, University of London.
1995 Hon. Fellowship, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine. Royal College of Physicians..
1996 Charter Gold Medal . Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Gt Britain
1998 Hon. Fellowship. The School of Pharmacy, University of London.
1998 Hon. DSc. University of Nottingham.
1999 PHARMA Outstanding Achievement Award
1999 FIP lifetime award for outstanding contribution to Biotechnology
2000 Hon. DSc. University of Bath
2003 C.B.E. HM The Queen’s New Years Honours List
2003 Hon DSc University of Bradford
2005 Hon Fellowship. British Pharmacological Society
2005 Hon Fellowship. Royal College of Physicians
2005 Winner SCRIP Life Time Achievement Award
2005 Elected to Foreign Fellowship of the Academie Nationale de Pharmacie FRANCE
2006 Hon Fellowship College of Pharmacy Practice
2007 Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
2015 Eminent Fellow Academy of Pharmaceutical Science
2016 Fellow of the Academy of Medical Science
2018 Fellow of The Learned Society of Wales
1975 Member of Formulation Panel of the “British Pharmaceutical Codex” BPC
1975 Founder member of steering group of “Drug Excipient Catalogue”
1976-82. Member of Expert Committees of the British Pharmacopoeia
(a) Tablet Dissolution Panel – 1976-1982
(b) Committee F – Formulation since 1982
1978-83 UK Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA) Pharmacy Research Board.
1978-83. Member of Industrial Pharmacy Committee, Federation International Pharmaceutique (FIP)
(a) Member of FIP expert working group on drug dissolution 1979-1984.
(b) President of the FIP International Commission of Technology – 1979-1983
(c) Member of the Board of Pharmaceutical Science of FIP – 1980-1984 and 1995-7,1981- Founder Member of the Board of Governors of the College of Pharmacy Practice.
1982-94 UK Medicines Commission
1983 Member Medical/Technical Committee of the IFPMA
1983 Chairman of the British Pharmaceutical Conference, London
1983 Advisor to the Commission of the European Communities (EEC) Committee for the European Development of Science and Technology (CODEST).
1983 Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Working Groups / Committees
Education in pharmaceutical science, technology and manufacture – R&D Committee (1990-94)
1984 Member of the Board of the Science Policy Support Group (SPSG), UK.
1984 Steering Committee of COPHARM.
1984 Policy Board, Centre for Medicines Research (CMR)
Chairman Innovation Advisory Board 1990-98
1991- President of the Board , Maurice-Marie Janot International Lecture
1991 Advisory Board on the Human Genome to the UK Government Cabinet Office.
1992 Expert Working Party on the Use of Tissues, Nuffield Council for Bioethics,
1993 Board of Honorary Advisers, The Glynn Research Foundation
1994 Cabinet Office Advisory Board on UK: Israel Research Activities
1995 The Epilepsy Research Foundation Industrial Co-ordinator
1996-2001 Trustee, The Epilepsy Research Foundation Vice President 2001-
1995 Member of Council, London Medicine
1996-8 National Biological Standards Board (NBSB) Review
1996 Steering Group of Government Review of Department of Health and Medical Research Council Research Establishment
1997 Trustee, Northwick Park Institute of Medical Research.
1997-8 Trustee, Institute of Aviation Health.
1997- Medical Research Council
– Appointments Committee
– Advisory Board
1997-8 Home Office Review of Forensic Science Service (National Public Laboratory)
- NHS R&D National Co-ordinating Centre for Health Technology
Assessment (NCCHTA) 1998-2000.
2001 Prime Minister’s Task force on the Competitiveness of the Pharmaceutical Industry (PICTF)
2001- Dept of Health working group on Genetics Knowledge Parks
- DfID High Level Working Group on Medicines for the Developing World
- Chair EFPIA D&D Directors Group
2002 Member of Board British Singapore Trade Council (SBBC)
2003 Advisory Board, MRC Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Research Centre ,Institute of Psychiatry
2004 Commissioner World Health Organisation .Commission on Intellectual Property ,Innovation and Public Health
2005 Trustee . British Urological Foundation
2006 Member of the advisory board “Sense about Science”
2008- Advisory Board , MRC Centre for Neurodegeneration
2010- Advisory Board Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2013 Senate member of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2014 Appointed to the Board of The Bevan Commission (UK) to advise Minister of Health on policy
2017 Vice Chancellors Advisory Board University of Surrey
2018 Advisory Board School of management Swansea University
2020 External Examiners MSc University of Hertfordshire
2022 Chief Scientific Advisor The Centre for Medicinal Cannabis (CMC)